Our Projects

Own developments with partners

Our web studio is in various joint projects with other web studios and companies. To become our partner or propose a joint project, write to us through the contact form on the website, we are happy to create something new and make new acquaintances and partnerships.

Simon Force's studio creates



Internet network for models and modeling agencies. On the site you can make a model map online for free. Also models for work and publish the profile of a modeling agency or medical agent.
Simon Force: FOUNDER


Together with the studio Amirov & Partners have created a public website for helping animals. Large database of shelters in several countries and an online animal tracker. the online platform is free.
Simon Force: CO-FOUNDER
Amirov & Partners: CO-FOUNDER


Together with an information portal about China and a portal about Canada, we have created a global multilingual project about different countries in different languages.
Simon Force: CO-FOUNDER
Hello China: CO-FOUNDER
Canada Blog: CO-FOUNDER